Thursday, April 23, 2009

Because this website has been blocked by NYCDOE hw will now be posted at

don't forget to check for you latest grades

Sunday, April 12, 2009

*no hw over break
*701/702/707 take home test is due 4/21, the Tuesday after we return. Your project is due on 4/27 the following monday
707 - the purple books are due when we return from break

--> Sorry for the lack of updates, this website has been blocked by the DOE and can no longer be updated from school. I hope everyone enjoys the break.

don't forget to check for you latest grades

Monday, April 6, 2009

(wkbk) p367 #1-22
*bring in orange textbook bye wednesday*

add/subract fractions

*work on project, work on take home test*

don't forget to check for you latest grades

Friday, April 3, 2009

no hw

work on take home test due 4/8 for extra credit, due for regular credit 4/21

work on project due 4/27

don't forget to check for you latest grades

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Boys and girls, today is my last day of grading and I will be back Friday. There is still a test and notebook check on Friday, and I will be there early in the morning if you need me. All work that was assigned while I was away needs to be finished up. If you are in 701/702 and you have finished everything you may either work on your take home test or "A Traveler's Tale". If you turn on the air conditioner please make sure you turn it off. Same thing for the windows, if you open them, please make sure you close them. I was very disappointed with the way my classroom looked when I came back to it before PM school yesterday.
-Ms. Krause

don't forget to check for you latest grades