Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Marking Period 1 Project
DUE Monday September 29, 2008

We have been working the past couple of weeks with positive and negative numbers, and using operations on them. This is a math topic that is extremely applicable to everyday life since we get money (and spend it) every day. Keep track of all the money you gain or lose for one week (7 days) recording at least 5 things a day so that your total is 35 (if you have a day with 4 and another one with 6 so that it evens out that is also ok). As you record these gains and losses be sure to state your new total. You must also state your total at the end of the week.
- this may be typed or hand written
- a full heading must be at the top, if you do not have your name you can not get credit

don't forget to check www.engrade.com for you latest grades

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