Tuesday, March 24, 2009

There will be a test and notebook check on Friday, April 3 when Ms. Krause returns from grading. 707's test will be on chapter 5. 701/702's test will include sections 13-1,13-4,13-5,13-6,13-7,13-8,11-2.
While Ms. Krause is grading 707 is expected to complete all the lessons in the "math and literature connections" purple workbook.
701/702 will be completing work from collegeboard/springboard workbook, the same one that "much ado about candy" was in. Lessons that need to be completed include "Melody's Music Solution", "Nothing But Net", "Bicycle Adventures: Part One", "Bicycle Adventures: Part Two", and "Lockers in view".

don't forget to check www.engrade.com for you latest grades

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